سائل تسمير ذاتي سريع من فيك بيك خلال 60 دقيقة، 236 مل

السعر العادي ٢٬٦٤٧٫٢٠ ج.م.‏ سعر خاص ١٬٥٥٥٫٩٠ ج.م.‏
  •  منتجًا للتسمير الذاتي يعدك بتطور سريع للتسمير في غضون 60 دقيقة.
متوفر: متوفر
  • ضعي في اعتبارك أن مستحضرات التسمير الذاتية توفر لونًا مؤقتًا للبشرة ولا تحمي من الأشعة فوق البنفسجية.
  • إذا كنت تخططين لقضاء بعض الوقت في الشمس، فتأكدي من وضع واقي الشمس لحماية بشرتك من حروق الشمس والشيخوخة المبكرة.
  • التحضير: قبل وضع مستحضر التسمير الذاتي، من المهم تحضير بشرتك. ابدأي بتقشير جسمك لإزالة خلايا الجلد الميتة وإنشاء سطح أملس للتسمير الذاتي. انتبهي بشكل خاص للمناطق الخشنة مثل المرفقين والركبتين والكاحلين
المزيد من المعلومات
Brands Fake Bake
How To Use Application: Using a tanning mitt or gloves, apply the Fake Bake 60 Minute Rapid Self-Tan Liquid to your skin in smooth, even strokes. Begin at your ankles and work your way up, blending the product well to avoid streaks. Take care around areas with dry skin, such as elbows and knees, as they can absorb more product and result in darker patches.

Wait Time: After applying the self-tanner, allow it to dry completely before getting dressed. The Fake Bake 60 Minute Rapid Self-Tan Liquid is designed to develop quickly, so you can leave it on for 60 minutes for a light tan, or up to 3 hours for a deeper tan.

Rinse Off: Once the desired development time has passed, rinse off the self-tanner with lukewarm water. Avoid using soap or shower gel, as this can interfere with the tanning process. Pat your skin dry with a towel.

Maintenance: To prolong the life of your tan, moisturize your skin regularly and avoid activities that can cause the tan to fade quickly, such as swimming or excessive sweating. You can also reapply the self-tanner as needed to maintain your desired level of tan.
اكتب تقييمك
أنت تراجع:سائل تسمير ذاتي سريع من فيك بيك خلال 60 دقيقة، 236 مل
Application: Using a tanning mitt or gloves, apply the Fake Bake 60 Minute Rapid Self-Tan Liquid to your skin in smooth, even strokes. Begin at your ankles and work your way up, blending the product well to avoid streaks. Take care around areas with dry skin, such as elbows and knees, as they can absorb more product and result in darker patches. Wait Time: After applying the self-tanner, allow it to dry completely before getting dressed. The Fake Bake 60 Minute Rapid Self-Tan Liquid is designed to develop quickly, so you can leave it on for 60 minutes for a light tan, or up to 3 hours for a deeper tan. Rinse Off: Once the desired development time has passed, rinse off the self-tanner with lukewarm water. Avoid using soap or shower gel, as this can interfere with the tanning process. Pat your skin dry with a towel. Maintenance: To prolong the life of your tan, moisturize your skin regularly and avoid activities that can cause the tan to fade quickly, such as swimming or excessive sweating. You can also reapply the self-tanner as needed to maintain your desired level of tan.

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