هودي فلارز #25 رموش كلاسيكية من هدي بيوتي

١٠٠٫٠٠ د.إ.‏
  • قومي بتخصيص مظهر رموشك! إصدار مجموعة الرموش الفردية من رموش هودي فلارز من هدي  بيوتي الأصلية والرائعة، المصنوعة من ألياف اصطناعية بأطوال وأنماط مختلفة، يمكن إعادة استخدامها وتطبيقها بسهولة، وتخصيصها بسهولة وبدون جهد
متوفر: متوفر
  • سواء أردت مظهرًا طبيعيًا أو إضافة المزيد من الدرامية، فإن هذه الرموش المتعددة الاستخدامات والمرصوصة بشكل فردي تعمل للجميع، من المبتدئين إلى خبراء وضع الرموش. قومي بتخصيص كثافة رموشك وانشئي أسلوبك الخاص - رموشك، بطريقتك

 :تحتوي مجموعة هودي فلارز على

• الرموش الفردية (حجم واحد)

  • • القطع الطبيعية (حجمين)

• الرموش الدرامية (حجمين)

المزيد من المعلومات
Brands Huda Beauty
How To Use Prepare Your Natural Lashes:

Ensure your natural lashes are clean and free of any makeup or residue.
Trim if Necessary:

If the lashes are longer than your lash line, trim them from the outer edge to fit your eye shape.
Apply Adhesive:

Apply a thin layer of lash adhesive along the band of the false lashes. Wait a few seconds for the adhesive to become tacky.

Using tweezers or your fingers, gently place the lashes as close to your natural lash line as possible, starting from the center and then pressing down the edges.

Once the lashes are in place, gently press along the band to ensure it adheres properly to your lash line.
Blend with Mascara:

To blend your natural lashes with the false lashes, apply a coat of mascara to both sets of lashes.
Optional: Eyeliner:

If desired, you can apply eyeliner along your lash line to further blend the false lashes with your natural ones and to create a seamless look.
Final Touches:

Once the adhesive has dried completely, use an eyelash curler to gently curl both your natural and false lashes together for a more cohesive look.

To remove the lashes, gently peel them off from the outer corner of your eye towards the inner corner. Clean any residual adhesive from the lash band and store the lashes in their original packaging for future use.
By following these steps, you can achieve a flawless and natural-looking application of the HUDA BEAUTY Hoodie Flares #25 Classic Lashes
اكتب تقييمك
أنت تراجع: هودي فلارز #25 رموش كلاسيكية من هدي بيوتي
Prepare Your Natural Lashes: Ensure your natural lashes are clean and free of any makeup or residue. Trim if Necessary: If the lashes are longer than your lash line, trim them from the outer edge to fit your eye shape. Apply Adhesive: Apply a thin layer of lash adhesive along the band of the false lashes. Wait a few seconds for the adhesive to become tacky. Placement: Using tweezers or your fingers, gently place the lashes as close to your natural lash line as possible, starting from the center and then pressing down the edges. Adjustment: Once the lashes are in place, gently press along the band to ensure it adheres properly to your lash line. Blend with Mascara: To blend your natural lashes with the false lashes, apply a coat of mascara to both sets of lashes. Optional: Eyeliner: If desired, you can apply eyeliner along your lash line to further blend the false lashes with your natural ones and to create a seamless look. Final Touches: Once the adhesive has dried completely, use an eyelash curler to gently curl both your natural and false lashes together for a more cohesive look. Removal: To remove the lashes, gently peel them off from the outer corner of your eye towards the inner corner. Clean any residual adhesive from the lash band and store the lashes in their original packaging for future use. By following these steps, you can achieve a flawless and natural-looking application of the HUDA BEAUTY Hoodie Flares #25 Classic Lashes

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